Friday, September 17, 2010

Home Invasion? No, just some Firewood

I wasn't going to tell this story on my blog but after emailing to some friends and having them tell me I should document it for the future and for our unborn child-I decided to make my "Home Invasion" story, blog #3.
Yesterday I was home alone hanging out on the coach and ended up calling the police and they came to my home thinking they had a home invasion on their hands. 

So basically here is what happened. Kadin came home during his plan period yesterday to get his football clothes like 15 minutes prior to the door bell ringing. Well, I didn't want to get it and wasn't expecting anyone. I actually thought it was Kadin coming back for something. I looked through the peek hole and there was this big burley guy, scary looking to say the least. Anyway, I didn't say anything, just ignored it and walked away from the door and waited for him to leave. He rings it again....then walks down to the base of our driveway, where I'm now peeking through the spare bedroom window from our hallway and he's talking to another guy in the drivers seat of this huge truck with some type of cargo in the back? So big truck, something in the back, 2 guys talking, looking back up at the house, talking, looking, was weird. So about 10 minutes has passed, they come back up to the house, ring it again twice and meanwhile I'm checking doors, windows and trying to call Kadin at school. He is supposed to have his phone ON so when I go into labor he will get it. Well, 6 calls later, no answer, he doesn't hear or have it on him. I'm LIVIDDDDD! So next best thing to do while freaking out, call the police! 

So the guy is now standing outside the truck, looking up at the house, smoking a cigarette and I'm talking to the Muk po po dispatcher and they are sending someone out. "I might be just freaking out here but I'm home alone, 9 months pregnant and there are 2 guys who won't leave my house and keep ringing my doorbell" Nightmare. Dispatcher was awesome, told me not to answer the door, do not talk to them, do not go outside, just stay on the line. HEART is racing....sweating and freaking out!

Here's where poop hit the Mother F-ing fan. I'm on the line, waiting for the cops and then the guy comes up for a 3rd time-and instead of ringing the door bell, he fiddles with the door like he's trying to break in. So I'm on the phone, start telling the dispatcher "I'm running outside the back, to the back yard, he's trying to get in...I'm getting out of the house" he's saying no, stay there, stay on the line, blah, blah. Long story short, I sprint up the nature trail, hiding behind the tree, looking at our slider I came out of and thinking he's coming into our house or worse coming after me. I then contemplate scaling the fence to the neighbors behind back to get away, but thought I'd only do that if I saw him coming. Looking back, there would be no way my pregnant ass would have even been able to hoist myself up that fence. 

Next-dispatcher says check to see if the truck is still there-can you see the truck?  I'm sneaking by the fence, along the trees and notice-there is NOOOO truck anymore, it's gone!! What the hell? So I carefully go to the front door, there is a card on the door "sorry we missed you for a delivery, please call" What???? Delivery of what?? Flip the card over and it's from a firewood delivery company.

Sunday, Kadin called a firewood company and they were planning on dropping off the wood on Thursday afternoon. My lovely husband forgot to tell me 15 minutes prior to the "home intruders" coming, that they would be coming. Not answering his phone, didn't tell me about the delivery, feels like I'm going to give birth, pass out, hyperventilate or sweat to death, I was PISSED.

Best part-the dispatcher says the cops are almost there, still coming to check on me because at this point I'm hysterically crying. So shaken up, I thought I was being robbed or worse going to die! So picture this please: I'm crying, still trying to get a hold of Kadin, and here comes a muk cop car, and following the car is the truck down our street!!! Since I gave them the description of the truck they pulled it over and must have figured it all out but here they come back, together to our house. Sooooo embarrassed!!! So here I am, bawling, these two guys come out, SUPER nice and I just kept apologizing and saying how mad I was at my husband. Best quote of the whole ordeal was from the door bell ringer "I would have been scared of me too if I was you, I wouldn't have opened the door!" Cop is laughing saying "I thought I had a home invasion on my hands" So they were cool about it but this whole ordeal was like an hour long and felt like a week and I was so shaken up that Kadin, who I was finally able to get a hold of, came home early-missed football practice, and had to work to put me back together. I have not been a mess like that since, well-not sure ever. 

Funny story though now, day after-and had to share, it's just too funny not to. So seriously, if that doesn't get this baby wanting to come out, I'm not sure what will? 

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