Tuesday, June 21, 2011

9 months!

I am 9 months old today and boy there has been some exciting stuff going on around here lately. First, my Uncle Howie flew in for father's day to see me of course, along with Grammi and Grandpa Price. It was fun having him stay with us for a few nights, he is so much fun. He played with me and read to me!  We even went to the park one day. 
On father's day we had a barbeque at my house and Grandpa Brooking came up to visit. I just love having visitors!
On my 9 month birthday, and the first day of summer, AND the first day daddy is off for summer to play with me for 2 months, the sun came out.... so what did we do? We went to the beach! Mommy used to go to this beach, Picnic Point Beach, when she was a baby too so she was very excited to take me there. We had soooo much fun!

Look at me! I'm clapping for myself because I put my feet in the salt water for the first time! Daddy and I were jumping over the waves coming in. 

I was trying to surf here but apparently I need a board for that. One day, one day....
Thanks for a fun day at the beach! Can we go again tomorrow? 

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