Monday, September 13, 2010

Waiting Game

Even before birth it is clear to see who is now in charge and making the calls in my normally scheduled, planned out world. Even when YOU think you and your body are ready for the baby to make his/her arrival to the world, you are sorely mistaken. Every day for the past 2 weeks or so I thought "today might just be the day"... but nope! Our due date is officially September 15th, 2 days away but who really knows. I do understand and accept the fact that baby Brooking will come when he/she is ready, it's just hard when I'M ready and have been for weeks!!

I'm no longer teaching my fitness classes, the diapers are washed and ready to go, babies memory book already started, baby shower thank you cards completed, and nursery is all ready to go: there is nothing else to do but WAIT!

The highlight of my waiting days, if I'm lucky, is getting enough strength to hit up the grocery store and make a new recipe for dinner to have ready when Kadin comes home from school. Today, that did not happen. A nap was in order instead and starting this blog.

One of my favorite pass times is now impossible: Working out.  Exercise consists now of rolling out of bed and walking to the bathroom. "Go on a walk Reenie, it'll help with inducing labor" Well, that would be a great idea if I could make it to the end of my street without my stomach feeling like it's going to pop open like a pinata.

Very few people tell you about the last few weeks of pregnancy and I vow to share this news to as many expecting mothers as possible and to be sympathetic to the struggles of the last weeks of this incredible journey. Believe me, I have never taken a second of this pregnancy for granted but now that the time closes near I am ready to move on from swollen hands and feet, fat face, waddle walks and every 5 minute pee breaks to feedings, diaper changes and spending every waking moment with our baby.

For those who know Kadin and I know this has been a long time coming, which makes baby Brooking's arrival that much more amazing. Kadin and I  have been married for 8 years, at the end of this month and have been trying to get pregnant for the past 5 years. After trying for 8 months we suffered a miscarriage in 2007 and have been dreaming of starting a family ever since. As trying as that waiting game was for both of us we were still able to remain positive and realize that one way or another we were destined to be parents and now we are so close to meet our baby! Boy? Girl? We don't know and we don't care. We just want to meet baby Brooking and make him/her a part of our loving family.

I'm starting this blog to document my thoughts and memories of being a first time mom. It'll be a fun way to share memories and photos to friends and family and one day baby Brooking can look back at these posts and realize how much mom and dad love him/her.

This is where it all began....our first picture of Baby Brooking at 10 weeks, such a cutie!

Here is a slideshow of pictures taken June 29th when I was 7 months pregnant for a maternity shoot. I think these pictures show how excited we actually are for the baby's upcoming arrival.


  1. So excited that you started this blog! I'm now at that point where I constantly check my phone to see if there is any news. We're thinking about you two all the time.

  2. This made me cry! I am seriously on pins and needles. Couldn't be happier for you two! Can't wait to meet the little bundle of joy! S/he couldn't ask for better parents!

  3. Love it! It's amazing how many people are rooting for you guys and can't wait to meet your little one. It gives me such an amazing amount of joy to hear you talk about your journey and little babes. Any day now! What a lucky baby!!

  4. Hooray for Baby Brooking! Hooray for kid blogs! So happy you started one. :) Love you guys. Can't wait to meet the little peanut.

  5. oh goodness, you gave me chills reading this - beautiful!

    love you and Kadin, and just over the moon for you both that it is so close (although I know it feels like it may never happen!)
