Thursday, October 18, 2012

My babies

Looking at these two melt my heart. They got me. I love them both so much. Even when I think I'm going to fall asleep standing at 3:00 in the afternoon every day, I wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe 1 thing:) I might change the fact that really the only time Parker falls asleep during the day is on me or when I'm carrying her in the baby Ergo. That's really about it. There are times, at least once a day, that I want to cry or think I'm not doing an adequate job. But I realize it's all about the journey and I am fortunate to have my two babies and all the excitement it brings each day. 
Sure I'd like my old body back, I'd like my feet not to hurt, I'd like to put make up on or dry my hair, I'd like to sleep more, I'd like to go have drinks with friends. But all that will come and I'm trying to cherish the moments I have with them now because I know they will be gone one day and what will seem like very soon. 
We were at the nearby park the other morning walking around. Parker on me, Price walking through the leaves. I was telling Price about ferns and bark on the trees and leaves falling from the trees. It was a simple, relaxing morning and one I'll always remember. I'm sure there will be a day where I won't have that quiet walk in the woods with my kids. They may not even want to walk in the woods with me anymore. Those are the times I try to be in the moment and not think about all the hard things about being a parent of two small ones. 
Time is moving and moving pretty quickly. Price starts his first day of school tomorrow. It's called Friday 2's. It's only 2 hours on Friday mornings where him and I get to go and get the school experience together. Today, we went to Target to get his first backpack. He picked the Elmo backpack over the Cars backpack. When he got home he wanted to know how to put it on after he put his new football in there. 

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